Saturday, 4 August 2012


The party had the best food (in my three years of coming to this event...) but it was the also the most boring party I had been to in my life. :O Like seriously, I'm not kidding!

They served chicken fingers in tartar sauce (supposedly) with a sidde of mixed vegetables. Compared to the previous years, of (1) pasta with no sauce; and (2) spoiled dinner this menu is far far far ahead of the two. It was well seasoned. A complete meal. I was full. And it was not hard to swallow.

But the party... WHAT A DRAG. Even the song selection. I ended up prettending to have fun and taking calls. They had some good songs though. Really awesome ones from way back in the day. Like 1970's, and the only reason you danced to that would either be a ballroom class for Phys Ed or being forced into one as a kid by your family. I still think ballroom songs are better than lame ass couple dance slow songs where people hold each other and just sway like props in the dance floor. If you can imagine this, it started out as an anemic version of a rave, song choice was okay (the blinding blinking lights weren't there anymore, I guess that's what made it so anemic) then in a good transition ballroom song happens and awesome people were left. There were crazy ones in their own little circle. They were funny, he won a Samsung phone because of that. Then there were all girls trying to step-ball-change as a group, that was quite amusing. Its like an elementary class practicing their showcase (in elementary school it was not really called showcase, I just don't remember the right term.) The dance troupe was also there, they were in the middle, synchronized and perfectly choreographed routine for every song. And then there was I, with a couple of the same gender. We were dancing as a group of three. It was a lot of work. That was the only time I had fun. For the most part I was a wallflower. Everyone saying "hi" but I didn't really mingle.

I'd post pictures. But I didn't bring a camera. So my photos are in other people's camera. And I can't do much but wait.

K <3


  1. Lol what party is this? Is this one of those family things we're all forced to attend once in a while?

    1. No, if this were a family thing the food would have been better. And served at the right time. This is one of those annual welcome parties (in August I still don't get why its held every August) the school throws before midterms.
