Sunday, 29 July 2012


I am in awe. Looking back I would never have seen myself the way I am today.  I never in my life thought my choice of conversation would mature from myself to the world, from friends to society, from school to politics.

Maybe I am having a pseudo humility phase, were in I am talking myself into the impossibility of having such wide range of topics for conversation, when in fact my range of conversation back then would range from me to things I like. I did not even consider material things I liked back then. Only living breathing things, like other human beings, or perhaps a sneezing panda. But hey, I guess people do change. And I am proud of myself for having matured. Even if its just a little bit.


  1. It was really nice to be able to talk to you guys again. :D Our conversations did go from sombre to derp to rather pensive in the end. Perhaps, it's part of growing up? When our reflections start to include the world and we wonder if we can really do something about it.

    I still have got no idea where we'll be 10 years from now. Maybe we'll be living together, maybe we'll be far apart. Growing up is a rather daunting aspect of life, but it's happening right now, and know that my support for you guys will always transcend distances. (:

    This is the time for us to know who we are and what we want. This is the time for us to 'climb ev'ry mountain', to leave our flags and make our marks. We can do this.

    1. That's rather chirpy. C: 10 years from now, I'd prolly have a family, inside our huge family (which is really just you and Fluttershy and Thomasian girl.) Let's stay friends. I know we'd learn a lot of other things together. :)
