Saturday, 10 March 2012


Hey guys,

just dropping by to give you love. Its my last day of exams... And well next week, I'm free as a guy who broke out of jail and rolled around the mud three times. :) I still have to take one exam next week cause I'm a lazy ass like that and because I'm awesomely chill. I got a 2.0 in one of my classes (ehem business research.) It could have been better, but I'm only happy that it wasn't lower. :) I had wished to get a higher grade, I set goals for 1.0s only. I didn't meet it, and I can only blame myself.

Let's do our best guys! This is it. (I sound like I'm graduating.)

Much love,
K, xxx

<3Ps I'm dipping my toes in the lake of politics next semester and I fully expressed my intentions of doing so. :)

1 comment:

  1. You rolled in mud thrice??? Just kidding anyway... YEAH!!! Let's do our best!
