So I'm comparing the interface of this blog's 'New Post' page to my other blog's 'New Post' page and I've just realised that this interface is the old-school one. Why's that so? I is confuzzled. Anyway, whatevs. Feel free to edit anything, guys. Even the description I wrote at the sidebar or the design and layout of the site. As long as you think it'd work for all of us, then go ahead. You know that I'm totes chill about this. xD
Anyway, another thing that's confuzzling me at the moment is You-Know-Who. Since You-Know-Who is such a long-arse name to type, let's call him by the nickname Haku (I shall explain this later when I'm in the mood to do so). So Haku and I have been texting tonight, and he mentioned how there were so many fucking stars on the beach. Being a stargazing enthusiast, words were not enough to describe my jealousy. So I told him, 'I hate you, bitch.' Well, guess what he said in reply?
He said, 'If it's any consolation, I wish you were here.'
Fuck. What do I say?
I'm really good at insulting people. Especially the ones I love the most. (Just today, I think I absent-mindedly insulted a tissue poet, and I hope she forgives me for that.) It's not that I'm this cruel and damn insensitive bitch, it's just that it's hard for me to express emotions in a sweet way. (As I type the word sweet, a million shudders go through my spine and my skin. Eugh.) So it's been more than an hour and I still haven't replied to him. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to type. I'm left speechless, with this blank expression on my face. What the ef.
I think I'm also surprised. If I show affection using insults, Haku shows affection by making fun of me. And annoying me. And frustrating me. And by doing many other grade school stuff. You know we're being 'sweet' to each other when he starts to call me a 'douche' and I call him a 'bitch' (It's an inside joke). So when things like this happen—when all the 'sweetest' words are said, I don't know how to react. I suppose you could say I'm caught off-guard.
So, what do I say?
Option A: Meh, you know you'll get sick of seeing me once you start seeing me a lot when school starts lol. XD But thanks.
Option B: You know I'm always there in spirit. *cuetwilightzonetheme* fwahaha
Option C: O RLY
Option D: Are you drunk?
Argh why am I so awkward when it comes to texts. >< Help me out, guys?
I decided to go with Option B minus the fwahaha. Because I'm a bitch and I don't know how to be sweet. But I still want to make him smile.
So I've added a page about me, and there's even a layout that you guys can use for your own 'About the Author' pages as well. You can add pages by clicking 'Edit Posts' on your dashboard, then from there you'll see link that'd lead you to 'Edit Pages'. Click on the 'Create A New Page' button. Hope this helps, and don't hesitate to text me if you're confuzzled. :3